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Before & After Care

Foothills Before and After School Care

Our staff is qualified, trained, educated and dedicated to providing quality programs. We are devoted to providing safe, healthy, fun, recreational and educational opportunities for children.

Foothills Before & After School Programs for children in Kindergarten (age 5 and older) – 5th grades (6th grade at Collegiate Academy only) operate Monday through Friday in various locations from 6:45 am until school commences and from school dismissal until 6:00 pm. We offer a variety of activities including arts and crafts, gross motor activities, games and homework time for students.

Foothills offers full day care at our recreation centers during no-school days, minimal contact days and school breaks. Specialized activities for the students include swimming, dance, ice skating, cooking, gymnastics and gym use.

View our Sample Activity Calendar and Sample Newsletter to get a feel for what the Foothills Before & After School Program offers.

Foothills Park & Recreation District

Contact Us

Emilie Simmons